Feeding your body the right fuel is key in performing at your best, but even the most diligently health-conscious can benefit from a FUEL+ 7-Day Cleanse Program. No starvation required.

3 Stages of Cleanse
Stage 1: RESET (Day 1-3)

Despite everyone's best efforts to avoid them, we are exposed to environmental pollutants and allergens in our daily lives, and the build-up of these toxins impacts our livelihood and wellbeing.


This first stage of the program assists your body in ridding itself of built-up toxins, using a high-fibre regimen infused with superfoods like ginger and wheatgrass. It's a natural and gentle way to detoxify and prepare your body for the restorative stage of the program.

Stage 2: Rebuid (Day 4-5)

Once the toxins are cleared out, it's time to rebuild a stronger, more revitalized you!


We use naturally occurring branch-chain amino acids from roasted nuts, to help the body properly absorb protein and healthy fats. At this stage, we pay special attention to the lymphatic system, carefully selecting ingredients that support immune functions, and restore your energy flow.

Stage 3: Harmonize (Day 6-7)

Ease back into your routine feeling restored and better than before.

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This third stage is designed to gently get you back into the flow of your everyday routine, without undoing progress. The introduction of edible florals, anti-oxidant-rich berries, and grape seed extract, helps keep your body and mind calm and oxygenated, as you get back to living a balanced life.

7 Days of Game Plan

Day Package
1 Morning Essence: Double Lemon Ginger Shot
Designed Shake: Cleansing Green Supreme I (1L)
(Spinach, Celery, Kale, Granny Smith Apple, Spirulina)
Night Essence: Golden Camomile
2 Morning Essence: Apple Cider Vinegar
Designed Shake: Cleansing Green Supreme II (1L)
Night Essence: Super Peppermint
3 Morning Essence: Turmeric Hot Shot
Designed Shake: Cleansing Green Supreme III (1L)
Night Essence: Calming Herbal
4 Morning Essence: Cocoa Coconut Tea
Designed Shake: Cashew Date Shake (1L)
Night Essence: Red Date Tea
5 Morning Essence: Cocoa MCT Tea
Designed Shake: Coconut Antioxidants Shake (1L)
Night Essence: Red Date Tea
6 Morning Essence: Brain Mint Tea
Designed Shake: Eye Opener Supreme (1L)
Night Essence: Dragon Longan Tea
7 Morning Essence: Brain Mint Tea
Designed Shake: Kombucha Supreme (1L)
Night Essence: Dragon Longan Tea